Las Vegas, May 8, 2015 – WISeKey’s Founder and CEO, Carlos Moreira attended the SkyBridge Alternatives (SALT) Conference, which took place from May 5th to May 8th at the Bellagio in Las Vegas, Nevada. At the conference, Mr. Moreira met with business and political leaders and held discussion focused on the need for establishing a cybersecurity global coalition to protect the financial sector.
The SkyBridge Alternatives (SALT) Conference facilities balanced discussions and debates on macro-economic trends, geo-political events and alternative investment opportunities for the year ahead. With over 1,800 thought leaders, public policy officials, business professionals, investors and money managers from over 42 countries and 6 continents, the SALT Conference provides an unmatched opportunity for attendees from around the world to connect with global leaders and network with industry peers.
This year’s event featured presentations from industry leaders in investment management, business, economics and public policy including: former US Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel; former US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice; Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard; US Army General, David H. Petraeus; Chairman & Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Media, Steve Forbes; and Former Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Dr. Ben S. Bernanke. Over the course of the program, more than 100 speakers participated in over three dozen panels, speeches, and breakout sessions, addressed current critical geopolitical and economic issues. The agenda and list of speakers are available at
Mr. Moreira, said, “It was a great honor to be invited to attend the SALT Conference in Las Vegas, a prestigious annual conference hosted by the investment firm, SkyBridge Capital. During the event, I had the opportunity to introduce the concept of BIGtrust in the U.S. BIGtrust is a global cybersecurity venture jointly established by WISeKey and OISTE.Org foundation, with the objective of promoting the use and adoption of international standards to secure electronic transactions.”
What is the difference between ‘security’ and ‘trust’ on the internet?
Trust is local, security is global. 2015 is shaping up to be the year that consumers and companies both come to this realization. Opportunities to bridge this gap abound as cyber-security start-ups quickly become Silicon Valley’s most recent fascination and venture capitalists have flooded the sector with investment as they look to back the latest technology used to fight criminals online.
On the whole, we’re doing a great job at securing the internet and developing new technologies to allow for enhanced personal data protection. But if security is to be viable, it must be engineered at the global level. Enter BIGtrust, the new coin of the realm that is rapidly replacing the market’s fascination with Big Data.
At the recent World Economic Forum in Davos January 2015, BIGtrust emerged as a concept that gives due weight to trust’s importance in the digital age as billions of people around the world have grown increasingly distrustful of the internet and that the urgent necessity for a new model has emerged. For more information visit
About SkyBrige Capital
SkyBridge Capital is a global alternative investment firm with $13.1 billion in assets under management or advisement (as of February 28, 2015). ( The firm offers hedge fund investing solutions that address a wide range of market participants from individual investors to large institutions.
SkyBridge takes a high-conviction approach to alpha generation, expressed through a thematic and opportunistic investment style. The firm manages multi-strategy funds of hedge funds and customized separate account portfolios, and provides hedge fund advisory services.
About WISeKey
WISeKey is a leading information cybersecurity and identity Management Company, a global growth partner of the World Economic Forum, providing specialized technologies for data protection, effective identification and authentication of people or objects to ensure secured communications and transactions without compromising trust. Established in 1999 and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, WISeKey has facilitated and enabled the use of secure digital identities in everyday life as well as enhancing trust, privacy and inclusion.
A world-leading eSecurity company, WISeKey presides over physical infrastructures, mobile networks and the Web to ensure secure communications, exclusive relationships, protected identities and authenticated transactions. All without compromising trust and privacy. Its strategic location in Switzerland and partnerships with leading global organizations and brands set WISeKey apart from other digital security providers. While its DNA is strongly based in digital security technology, the Company strives to deliver 360 degree solutions based on individual needs.
For more information visit or on Twitter @wisekey
Keynote Introduction | Hany Fam | President | MasterCard Enterprise Partnerships |
Moderator | Danil Kerimi | Director, Head of ICT Government Community | World Economic Forum USA |
Panelists | Carlos Moreira | Founder and CEO | WISeKey |
Jeffrey Wells | Executive Director of Cyber Development | Maryland Department of Business & Economic Development | |
Pavlo Protopapa | Chairman and CEO | Spacecode |
To view a detailed agenda CLICK HERE
MandA.TV: Carlos Moreira – Wisekey
Carlos Creus Moreira Roundtable on CyberSecurity and IoT at the New York Investment Summit 2015
What is the difference between ‘security’ and ‘trust’ on the internet? Trust is local, security is global. 2015 is shaping up to be the year that consumers and companies both come to this realization. Opportunities to bridge this gap abound as cyber-security start-ups quickly become Silicon Valley’s most recent fascination and venture capitalists have flooded the sector with investment as they look to back the latest technology used to fight criminals online.
On the whole, we’re doing a great job at securing the internet and developing new technologies to allow for enhanced personal data protection. But if security is to be viable, it must be engineered at the global level. Enter Big Trust, the new coin of the realm that is rapidly replacing the market’s fascination with Big Data.
At the recent World Economic Forum in Davos 2015, Big Trust emerged as a concept that gives due weight to trust’s importance in the digital age. Companies that embrace Big Trust and prioritize security over customer-data commercialization will be rewarded by consumers who tire of repeated intrusions into their privacy.
At this year’s Davos Conference, I moderated a round table on CyberSecurity and participated as panelist at the New Business Context: Risky Business session. One conclusion was that with billions of people around the world have grown increasingly distrustful of the internet and that the urgent necessity for a new model has emerged. Big Trust. Our panel also concluded that there is actual commercial value in offering trust and security. The fundamental right to privacy is at stake and if users begin to abandon the Internet because of security concerns, the multitude of recent positive developments in digital communications will be lost. All kinds of applications and firms will be negatively affected, including social networks that need further customers and governments that rely on cloud computing.
Our Davos panel also weighed the challenges of scaling up user-centric solutions and they loom large. Sufficient venture capital funds must be sourced. Support from professional business service firms must be won. Mobile telecommunications networks, typically the least secure, have undergone massive expansion. Finally, our world is becoming increasingly interconnected and multipolar.
Other participants called for collaboration around faster-moving experimental projects in which the new demands of users help feed processes of entrepreneurial innovation in digital identity and personal data management.
One of the most mature and concrete examples of Big Trust on the Internet are the root systems we have developed in Switzerland in collaboration with OISTE*. These systems are created and maintained in secure military bunkers under the Swiss Alps. In the past these vaults held gold, but now they protect something more important – your privacy.
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* The OISTE Foundation, is a Geneva-based, not for profit organization, founded in 1988 was created with the objectives of promoting the use and adoption of international standards to secure electronic transactions, expand the use of digital certification and ensure the interoperability of certification authorities’ e-transaction systems.
This article is published in collaboration with WISeKey. Publication does not imply endorsement of views by the World Economic Forum.
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Author: Carlos Creus Moreira is Founder and CEO of WISeKey, a Geneva-based World Economic Forum Global Growth Company in digital protection, online trust and privacy protection since 1999.
As part of the World Economic Forum in Davos, WISeKey organizes a side event on how to find a new footing for the development of solutions to critical, unresolved issues in identity management, privacy, security and trust in digital communication.
Press contacts: WISeKey | Satu Kulmala | Tel +41 22 594 3005 | |
Belvédere Hotel, Davos
Wednesday 22 January 2014, 07:30 – 09:00.
As part of the World Economic Forum in Davos, WISeKey sponsors a side event on how to find a new footing for the development of solutions to critical, unresolved issues in identity management, privacy, security and trust in digital communication. Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS) has also provided co-sponsorship
The content is planned under the joint responsibility of the International Secure Electronic Transactions Organization (OISTE), based in Geneva, Switzerland; and the International Organization for Knowledge Economy and Enterprise Development (IKED), based in Malmö, Sweden. It is also a reflection of the project “Global Identity Networking of Individuals – Support Action” (GINI –SA) of the European Union. GINI proposes a roadmap for a new model of digital identity management: Read more…
Target audience: decision makers in media, industry, government, academia, financial institutions and multilateral bodies.
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In a couple of years, one out of two persons on earth will use Internet. One out of four will belong to a social network. By then, the combined Internet economies of the G-20 will reach $4.2 trillion and mobile devices will account for some 80 per cent of all broadband connections. Meanwhile, following the rise of cloud computing, convergence and much enhanced interoperability, the technology will be in place to link and exploit the enormous amount of data thereby produced in ways that are now unthinkable.
However, what conditions will apply to the use of personal data? Those that prevail today… or will new conditions emerge? Will individual users have a word to say in how the data they generate is managed? Will the politics of the Internet evolve in directions that are yet unknown? Will the human right to privacy set a new course for Internet?
At present, financial and commercial markets, and – apparently – governments as well, are moving at high pace to gain access to and exploit the personal data and communications of all human beings. Technical progress will quickly take us into the stratosphere of capacity in this respect – unless countervailing forces are put into place. Without some sort of checks and balances, companies – and presumably, governments – will gain entirely new means to abuse the end user.
Given the cross-border nature of the digital world and the contradictory interests of different countries, this is not primarily a matter of regulation. In fact, too much state intervention would be counterproductive, although new legislation and state partnership is required.
In contrast to the current public debate, the discussion will focus on the tools which will make market forces start working for users in protecting and managing their digital identities and personal data. This will require moving towards a setup in which users, relying parties, and data bases are appropriately serviced by a new breed of operator functions.
The GINI consortium proposes an INDI – Individual Identity Networking – ecosystem; where the individual will gain control of his/her identity and thus the revenue potential of personal data.
The establishment of an INDI ecosystem stands to generate tremendous value through a new sort of functionality in regard to identity management, security, privacy and trust in digital communication. But what is required for the rise of operators that are able to deliver the implied kind of services? How can they be mandated and certified to guard the diverse needs of users, relying parties and data providers on terms that would allow for global trust among all? Would a supranational coordinating body capable of certifying and cross-certifying a range of authentication systems, using a common standard, be required?
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On this basis, WISeKey, OISTE and IKED invite you to participate in this session and contribute to an orderly exchange of views on how to move away from our present conundrum by exploring ways forward on issues that are fundamentally important to market efficiency and the standing of human beings in the digital world.
The session will highlight the risks of the current development but also examine ways to turn things around. The session will add insights how the current frameworks can be extended and revamped to meet with the envisioned kinds of functionality. Panellists and participants from around the world will bring insights what it takes to achieve a completely different kind of arena: one in which market forces support the rise of operators that are driven by the value generated by user-centric digital communication in which individuals control their own identities and personal information, and in which data governance is optimized with a view to the virtues of security, privacy, accountability and trust.
Finally, the session will venture into possibilities for launching pilots in key sectors, spanning national borders to advance, test and further examine a new generation of innovations and viable business models.
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Carlos MoreiraFounder, Chairman and CEO WISeKeySwiss national, began his career as a UN expert on IT, CyberSecurity. In 1999, Mr. Moreira founded WISeKey, where he currently serves as Chairman and CEO.
He is a Member of the UN Global Compact, Member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Illicit Trade and Organized Crime. Founding Member World Economic Forum Global Growth Companies. World Economic Forum New Champion 2007 to 2013 and OISTE.ORG. He was named by the Swiss financial Bilan’s one of the 300 most influential people in Switzerland’ for 2013. Mr Moreira’s unique profile, which combines extensive high level international diplomacy experience and technologies expertise, has positioned him as a distinctive authority, thought leader, and entrepreneurial force in today’s digital world where the acquisition and trusted protection of a digital identity has become an essential step for citizens and entities across the globe. |
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Neelie KroesEuropean Commission Vice-President and Commissioner, Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship. Responsible for the new legal framework for personal data protection in Europe. |
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Thomas Andersson
Professor, Dr., Thomas Andersson Chairman of the GINI Consortium. He is also the Chairman of the International Organisation of Knowledge Economy and Enterprise Development (IKED), Chairman of the International Entrepreneurship Academy, Chairman of the International Council of the Global Trust Center. |
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Professor at the Technical University Berlin and Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS). His chair for “Open Communication Systems” at the TU Berlin is highly involved in the development of technologies for “I-centric communication” and “Autonomic Communication” as main constituents of the Future Internet. He is the founder of several telecommunication companies and member of the Microsoft Interoperability Executive Customer Council. Founder of the Interdisciplinary Studies on Policy, Law, Administration and Technology and of the Wireless World Research Forum. |
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Humberto Luiz Ribeiro
Secretary of Commerce and Services (SCS). Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade of Brazil. BSc in Civil Engineering, Univ. of Brasilia; MBA; executive programmes, MIT, INSEAD, Wharton School, Georgetown University. Entrepreneurial experience in various information technology, business process management, business process outsourcing and biocapacity companies. Since 2011, Secretary of Commerce and Services of Brazil. Member, National Leaders Forum, Brazil. 2002, nominated Global Leader for Tomorrow, World Economic Forum. |
Notes to Editors
The Host broadcaster for the Summit is Abu Dhabi Media.
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