WISeKey Archives - WISeKey https://www.wisekey.com/tag/wisekey/ The Human-Driven Technology Platform Thu, 20 Jul 2023 14:53:07 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://cdn.wisekey.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/cropped-favicon-32x32.png WISeKey Archives - WISeKey https://www.wisekey.com/tag/wisekey/ 32 32 WISeKey and Cityzenith Join Forces to Secure the Aggregation, Analysis and Visualization of Smart City Data https://www.wisekey.com/press/wisekey-and-cityzenith-join-forces-to-secure-the-aggregation-analysis-and-visualization-of-smart-city-data/ Fri, 26 Feb 2016 03:53:22 +0000 https://www.wisekey.com/?p=10242 icon
Geneva, Barcelona, London — February 25, 2016WISekey and Cityzenith today announced at the Mobile World Congress their new partnership to aggregate, analyze and visualize critical city data in a highly secure fashion. WISekey’s IoT Cybersecurity will be combined with Cityzenith’s platform, 5D Smart City to provide city managers and decision makers with the tools to improve their data analysis and decision-making abilities while protecting the data from cyber attacks. WISeKey and Cityzenith are both working with Microsoft CityNext, a global initiative empowering cities, businesses and citizens to re-imagine their futures and cultivate vibrant communities.
Through the Microsoft CityNext initiative, WISeKey helps to engagecities around the world to cooperate in and contribute to the development, dissemination, and implementation of cyber security advancement, with a focus on the improvement of current conditions and mitigation of potential risks during the development of their smart cities.
WISeKey is championing the ever-changing landscape of cyber-security for smart cities. The number of connected devices- a.k.a. Internet of Things- requiring digital identification and security now tops 4 billion globally and continues to rise rapidly; this number is expected to reach 50 billion by 2020. This trend shows that Cybersecurity is a key asset in ensuring protection of this infrastructure.
At the heart of WISeKey’s technology is the OISTE-WISeKey Cryptographic Root of Trust, which has been actively used since 1999 by over 2.6 billion desktop, browsers, mobile devices, SSL certificates and Internet of Things’ devices. The OISTE WISeKey Cryptographic Root of Trust is ubiquitous and universal, and a pioneer in the identification of objects.
Smart Cities will compile an unprecedented amount of personal data with no security embedded on these devices and no international regulations on personal privacy protection.  The gap between a person and a digital identity leaves millions of devices and identities vulnerable to danger beyond identity theft. Cities have the moral and legal responsibility to protect the privacy of their citizens. “Currently, there isn’t anything built into the Web that can verify who you are. Imagine expanding this to billions of connected objects”, said Carlos Moreira, WISeKey CEO. “WISeKey’s IoT identity systems have been the closest thing for years”. Watch Bloomberg TV Coverage « Zone of Mobile Privacy in the Swiss Alps »
“Our 5D Smart City™ platform bridges the gap between IoT data and users who need to understand it. WISeKey’s identity verification for IoT devices ensures both the security of our platform and our users’ data,” says Michael Jansen, Cityzenith CEO, “Data security and privacy are core pieces of the Smart Cities puzzle we are able to solve by incorporating WISeKey’s system into our platform. Together, we will make powerful security the rule rather than the exception for the Internet of Things.”
WISeKey together with over 70 companies and government bodies across 15 sectors and 25 countries have joined forces to create the World Economic Forum’s Partnering for Cyber Resilience initiative. Together, the leaders of these organizations have signed a set of principles, which demonstrate their commitment to taking an integrated, strategic approach to technology risks and opportunities, and to play their role in providing a resilient digital environment for all.
About WISeKey
WISeKey is a leading global digital security and CyberSecurity company. Working at the forefront of information cybersecurity, identity management, and mobile security, WISeKey’s mission is to facilitate the global growth of secure electronic transactions by providing individuals, businesses, cities, citizens, objects, and governments with advanced technology and services that authenticate and protect digital identity across the full spectrum of personal, business and administrative transactions online. At the heart of this 4th Industrial Revolution strategy is the OISTE-WISeKey Cryptographic Root of Trust which has been actively used since 1999 by over 2.6 billion desktop, browsers, mobile devices, SSL certificates and Internet of Things’ devices. The OISTE WISeKey Cryptographic Root of Trust is ubiquitous and universal, and a pioneer in the identification of objects. WISeKey is a Global Growth Partner of the World Economic Forum. More articles on https://www.wisekey.com/media-corner/
Follow WISeKey on Twitter @wisekey, Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram
About Cityzenith
Based in Chicago, with offices in London and Singapore, Cityzenith helps organizations around the world, both government departments and commercial enterprises, make sense of urban data – big and small. The company’s platform, 5D Smart City™, provides city government agencies and corporate customers an intuitive, 3D browser-based, and real-time platform for managing all city data. 5D Smart City™ has now been adopted by 10 major world cities: San Francisco, Washington D.C., Chicago, London, Toronto, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Dubai, Mexico City, and Singapore.
Oliver Keane
Director of Communications
+1 (312) 843-4276
Youmna Abisaleh
Head of Marketing and Sales
+41 22 594 30 40
Lena Cati
WISeKey Investor Relations
The Equity Group, Inc.

WISeKey and FC Barcelona launch “FCB Connect” app to interconnect their fans ecosystem https://www.wisekey.com/press/wisekey-and-fc-barcelona-launch-fcb-connect-app-to-interconnect-their-fans-ecosystem/ Wed, 24 Feb 2016 05:27:28 +0000 https://www.wisekey.com/?p=10198 fcb-screens

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WISeKey and FC Barcelona launch “FCB Connect” app to    interconnect their fans ecosystem

Follow your players everywhere! – WISfans the Social Media Hub
Barcelona–February 23, 2016WISeKey and Football Club Barcelona updated the FC Barcelona team version of “FCB Connect” application with more functionalities. The appprovides fans with a unique mobile experience, facilitating full interaction with the football team. By downloading the FCB Connect app, football fans will be able to follow their favorite players everywhere and will also have access to all the pictures and videos of their favorite football team.
The FCB Connect is a key mobile application allowing football lovers to follow any Tweet or Facebook post from all FC Barcelona star players, even those without a social account, avoiding all the noise and providing real-time interaction with their favorite players. FCB Connect app keeps fans engaged on and off the field through a digital ecosystem that taps into sport franchise’s fan base, bringing curated content via fan-supported social campaigns, Twitter and Facebook posts, sports highlights, and injects exclusive additional content provided by the team and its players. The platform continually folds in new cutting-edge digital perks for fans to try such as facial biometric comparisons with the teams’ star players.
“We are delighted to continue enriching FCB Connect app,” said WISeKey founder and CEO Carlos Moreira. “The FCB Connect Social Media Hub it’s part of the foundation of FC Barcelona digital transformation strategy, which integrated digital identity of their certified fans by enhancing their relation with the club and by leveraging the usage from FCB Connect-ID to expand a suite of valuable offerings and secured value added services to the fans that the club would enable in the near future.”
Manel Arroyo, fourth Vice President – Marketing and Communication Department, added: “In this global world where everything happens by smartphone, FC Barcelona has made a firm commitment to approach their followers through their device. Initiatives such as this allow the fans, wherever they are, to take their club in their pocket.”
Download the Official FCB Connect app from:
googlestore appstore
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App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/ch/app/fcb-connect/id840738962?l=en&mt=8
Android Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wisekey.wisefans.fcbarcelona
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WISeKey y el FC Barcelona lanzan la aplicación “FCB Connect” para interconectar su ecosistema de aficionados

Sigaa sus jugadoresfavoritosdesdecualquierlugar! –WISfans the Social Media Hub
Barcelona – 23 de febrero 2016 – WISeKey y el Fútbol Club Barcelona actualizan la versión “FCB
Connect” del FC Barcelona con másfuncionalidades.La aplicaciónproporciona a los aficionados unaexperienciaúnica con su teléfonomóvil,facilitando la interaccióncompleta con el equipo de fútbol. Al descargar la aplicación FCB Connect, los aficionados al fútbolpodránseguir a sus jugadoresfavoritos en todas partes y tambiéntendránacceso a todas las imágenes y vídeos de su equipo de fútbolfavorito.
El FCB Connect es unaaplicaciónmóvil que permite a los aficionados al fútbolseguirla actividad en Twitter o Facebook de los jugadoresestrelladel FC Barcelona, sin necesidad de tenerunacuenta en estasredes sociales, evitandotodo el ruido y proporcionandounainteracción en tiempo real con sus jugadoresfavoritos. La aplicaciòn FCB Connectmantiene a los aficionadoscomprometidosdentro y fueradelterreno de juego a través de un ecosistema digital de la franquiciadeportiva, proporcionandocontenidogeneradoa través de campañasen redessociales, Twitter y Facebook, noticiasdeportivas, etc. Inyectandocontenidoadicionalexclusivo,generadopor el equipo y sus jugadores. La plataforma se complementacon nuevasprestacionesdigitales de últimageneración para los aficionados, tales comocomparacionesbiométricas faciales del fan con los jugadoresestrelladelequipo.
“Estamosencantados de seguirenriqueciendola aplicación FCB Connect”, dijo el fundador y CEO de WISeKey, Carlos Moreira. “El FCB Connect Media Social Hub es parte de laestrategia de transformación digital de la fundacióndel FC Barcelona, que integra la identidad digital de sus seguidoresmediante la mejora de su relación con el club y aprovechandoel uso de FCB Connect-ID para ampliar un conjunto de valiosasofertas y servicios de valorañadidoqueel club ofrecerápróximamente.
Manel Arroyo, vicepresidentecuarto – Departamento de Marketing y Comunicación, ha añadido: “En este mundo global en el que todosucedeporteléfonointeligente, el FC Barcelona ha hechouna firme apuesta alacercarse a sus seguidores a través de su dispositivo. Iniciativascomoéstapermiten a los aficionados, dondequiera queestén, llevar su club en el bolsillo “.
Acerca de WISeKey
WISeKey es unaempresalíder global en soluciones de seguridad digital. Trabaja en la vanguardia de la ciberseguridad de la información, gestión de identidad y servicios de software móvil, y la misión de WISeKey es facilitar el crecimiento global de las transaccioneselectrónicassegurasmediante la provisión a los individuos, empresas y gobiernos, de tecnología y servicios de avanzada que autentican y protegen la identidad digital en todo el espectro de las transacciones personales, comerciales y administrativas online. WISeKey, se formó en Ginebra, Suiza, en 1999, (https://www.wisekey.com/), y es unaCompañía de Crecimiento Global delForoEconómicoMundial.
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Jefe de Marketing y Ventas 
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Lena Cati, 212-836-9611
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WISeKey undder FC Barcelona lancierendie “FCB Connect” App um mit ihren Fans zu interagieren

Folge deinen Spielern überall! – WISfans the Social Media Hub
Barcelona–23. Februar2016WISeKey und derFussball Club Barcelona haben die FC Barcelona Team Version der “FCB Connect” Applikation mit mehr Funktionen erweitert. Die App liefert den Fans ein einmaliges Mobile-Erlebnis, inklusive voller Interaktion mit dem Fussballteam. Nach dem Download der FCB Connect App können die Fussballfans ihren Lieblingsspielern überall folgen und haben auch Zugriff auf alle Bilder und Videos ihres Lieblingsteams.
Die FCB Connect App ist eine mobile Schlüsselapplikation, die es Fussballliebhabern erlaubt, jeden Tweet oder Facebook-Post aller FC Barcelona Stars zu verfolgen, sogar solcher Spieler ohne Social Media Account. Dabei werden Störnachrichten umgangen und man hat die Möglichkeit in Echtzeit mit seinen Lieblingsspielern zu kommunizieren.Die FCB Connect App hält die Fans auf und neben dem Feld auf dem Laufenden. Dies durch ein digitales Ökosystem, welches Sport- und Fanpartner erschliesst, betreute Faninhalte aus Twitter und Facebook-Posts darstellt, Sporthighlights und exklusive zusätzliche Inhalte des Teams und der Spieler liefert. Die Plattform entwickelt sich kontinuierlich mit innovativen Neuheiten für die Fans, wie zum Beispiel biometrische Gesichtsabgleichungen mit den Starspielern.
“Wir sind begeistert, dass wir die FCB Connect App weiterentwickeln können“,sagt WISeKey-Gründer und CEO Carlos Moreira. “Der FCB Connect Social Media Hub ist Teil der Stiftung der FC Barcelona Digitaltransformationsstrategie, welche die digitale Identität der Fans durch die verbesserte Beziehung mit dem Klub und die wirksame Einsetzung der FCB Connect-ID verflechtet, um es dem Klub zu ermöglichen eine Reihe von wertvollen Angeboten und wertsteigernden Dienstleistungen für die Fans in naher Zukunft anzubieten.
Manuel Arroyo, der vierte Vize-Präsident –Departement Marketing & Kommunikation, fügt hinzu: “In dieser global vernetzten Welt, wo sich alles über das Smartphone abspielt, ist der FC Barcelona eine feste Verpflichtung eingegangen, seine Anhänger über ihre Geräte anzusprechen. Initiativen wie diese erlauben den Fans ihren Klub in die Hosentasche mitzunehmen, wo auch immer sie sich befinden.”
Lade die offizielleFCB Connect App aus deinem Store:
googlestore appstore
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App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/ch/app/fcb-connect/id840738962?l=en&mt=8
Android Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wisekey.wisefans.fcbarcelona
Über WISeKey
WISeKey ist ein führendes Schweizer Informatiksicherheits- und Identitätsmanagementsoftware-Unternehmen und gilt als eine der schnellstwachsenden Cyber-Security Firmen. WISeKey’s Mission ist es, das globale Wachstum der sicheren elektronischen Transaktionen zu vereinfachen, indem sie Unternehmen, Regierungen und Einzelpersonen mit fortgeschrittenen Technologien und Dienstleistungen versorgt, welche die Identität der Kommunikatoren, Unterschriften und Objekten während Internet-Transaktionen verifizieren. Aktuell ist WISeKey daran, gross angelegte IoT Digital-Ökosysteme aufzustellen und ist ein Pionier der Bewegung der vierten industriellen Revolution, welche letztes Jahr am Weltwirtschaftsforum WEF in Davos lanciert wurde. Der Schweizer WISeKey kryptografische Vertrauensanker verflechtet tragbare Technologie mit sicheren Echtheitsprüfungen und Identifikationen, sowohl in der physischen als auch in der virtuellen Umgebung, und stärkt IoT und tragbare Geräte dabei sichere Transaktionsgeräte zu werden. www.wisekey.com
Folge WISeKey aufTwitter@wisekey, Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram
Youmna Abisaleh, +41 22 594 30 40
Jefe de Marketing y Ventas
WISeKeyrelaciones con losinversores
The Equity Group, Inc.
Lena Cati, 212-836-9611
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WISekey et le FC Barcelone lancent l’application “FCB Connect” pour interagir avecleurréseau de fans

Suivez vos joueurs partout ! – WISfans : le nouveau centre des réseaux sociaux
Barcelone–23 Février 2016 WISeKey et le club de football de Barcelone viennent de mettre à jour l’application “FCB Connect” de l’équipe du FC Barcelone, la dotant d’encore plus d’options. L’application donne l’opportunité aux fans de vivre une expérience virtuelle unique, qui facilite une interaction totale avec l’équipe. En téléchargeant l’application “FCB Connect”, les fans de foot pourront suivre leurs joueurs préférés partout et auront également un accès à toutes les photos et vidéos de leur équipe de football fétiche.
“FCB Connect” est une application mobile essentielle, qui permet aux supporteurs de football de suivre n’importe quel Tweet ou n’importe quel “post” Facebookdesjoueurs phare du FC Barcelone, que ces derniers aient un compte sur les réseaux sociauxou pas, évitant ainsi tout intermédiaire pour offrir un échange en temps réel avec leurs joueurs favoris.L’application FCB Connect touche les supporteurs sur et en dehors du terrain grâce à un réseau digital qui puise sa base dans la communauté de fans de sport. Que ce soit au travers de campagnes en ligne soutenues par des fans, de “posts” Twitter ou Facebook ou de faits sportifs marquants, l’application procure un contenu actualisé, tout en ajoutant des informations exclusives fournies par l’équipe et ses joueurs. La plate-forme permet également aux fans de s’essayer à des fonctionnalités digitales de pointe, telle qu’une comparaison biométrique faciale avec les joueurs stars des différentes équipes.
“Nous sommes ravis de pouvoir continuer à enrichir l’application FCB Connect” ont déclaré le fondateur de WISeKey et son PDG Carlos Moreira. Le FCB Connect Social Media Hub est à la base de la stratégie de transformation de la communauté FC Barcelone numérique. En effet, nous voulions intégrer l’identité digitale de nos fans les plus fidèles en améliorant leur relation avec le club et en exploitant les utilisations du FCB Connect-ID pour que le club puisse leur offrir une suite de propositions de qualité et de services plus-value dans un futur proche”.
Pour sa part, Manel Arroyo, quatrième vice-président et responsable du département de marketing et communication, a ajouté: “Dans ce monde globalisé où tout se passe par le biais des smartphones, le FC Barcelone s’est engagé à aborder ses supporteurs au travers de cette technologie. Des initiatives comme celle-ci permettent aux fans d’emporter le club dans leur poche, où qu’ils se trouvent”.
Téléchargez l’application FCB Connect officielle de:
googlestore appstore
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App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/ch/app/fcb-connect/id840738962?l=en&mt=8
Android Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wisekey.wisefans.fcbarcelona
A propos de WISeKey
En tant que société Suisse majeure de logiciels et services d’information et de gestion de sécurité et d’identité, WISeKey est l’une des plus importantes entreprises de Cybersécurité au monde. Actuellement en pleine expansion, WISeKey s’engage à faciliter le développement de transactions électroniques sécurisées à l’échelle mondiale. Elle s’engage ainsi à fournir aux entreprises, aux gouvernements et aux individus une technologie de pointe et des services qui authentifient non seulement l’identité des communicants, mais aussi celle des signatures et des biens lors de transactions internet. WISeKey développe actuellement les systèmes d’identité digitale loT à grande échelle et est à l’avant-garde de la quatrième Révolution Industrielle lancée cette année au Forum Economique Mondial de Davos. WISeKey Swiss based Cryptographic Root of Trust rassemble technologie portable, identification et authentification sécurisées dans un environnement à la fois physique et virtuel, et permet aux loT et aux appareils portables de devenir des systèmes transactionnels fiables. www.wisekey.com
Suivez WISeKey sur Twitter @wisekey, Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram
Contact média
Youmna Abisaleh, +41 22 594 30 40
Jefe de Marketing y Ventas
WISeKeyrelaciones con losinversores
The Equity Group, Inc.
Lena Cati, 212-836-9611
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Business Case – Corporate Entrepreneur Interview by INSEAD MBA Student https://www.wisekey.com/press/business-case-corporate-entrepreneur-interview-by-insead-mba-student/ Fri, 12 Jun 2015 11:05:30 +0000 https://www.wisekey.com/?p=9181 Corporate Entrepreneur Interview

Carlos Moreira,

Founder, Chairman & CEO of WISeKey

Interviewed by Roman Protasevich, INSEAD 15D class participant


I interviewed Mr. Carlos Moreira, Spanish-born, Swiss national, founder, CEO and Chairman of Geneva-based online data security firm WISeKey SA. Before establishing WISeKey in 1999 Mr. Moreira had many years worked as a UN expert on cybersecurity. He is a founder and/or a member of many respectful organizations and initiatives in this area. In 2013 Mr. Moreira was named to the Swiss bi-weekly financial journal Bilan’s list of the 300 most influential people in Switzerland.
Due to Mr. Moreira’s experience and role at WISeKey the focus of our interview was mostly on topics such as maintaining entrepreneurial drive within a company, balancing Direction, Space, Boundaries and Support within organization[1], qualities required from a successful entrepreneur. We also discussed some examples of new ventures that emerged within WISeKey during its short but vibrant history.
WISeKey background
WISeKey is a cybersecurity leader in digital identification and authentication technologies. The company’s mission is to transform the Internet into a reliable and fair tool for conducting secure, electronic transactions. WISeKey has developed a family of interoperable, standards-based PKI[2] products designed to enable, manage and simplify the use of digital certificates in Internet and e-business applications:

  1. CyberSecurity Solutions – provides trusted e-Identities, electronic signature and document dematerialization, corporate PKI solutions and projects like e-Voting and e-Invoicing;
  2. Digital Brand Management – an anti-counterfeiting and sales monitoring system that provides 100% authentication for luxury products or other valuable items;
  3. WISeKey Mobile – a suite applications leveraging secure digital IDs and WISeKey technologies to bring secure data protection, secure communications, and rich interactions to mobile users.

Although WISeKey exists much less than some of the companies we looked at in our class, it is already quite mature by tech sector standards. Since 1999 the company not only substantially improved its technologies but also came up with numerous innovative uses for these technologies, expanding from purely Internet business to offline products.
Download the article : Carlos Moreira – corporate entrepreneur interview INSEAD
If you can’t download the article contat us yabisaleh@wisekey.com
[1] As per the framework described in Birkinshaw, J. 2003 “The paradox of corporate entrepreneurship”.
[2] Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a system of public key encryption using digital certificates that verify and authenticate the validity of each party involved in an electronic transaction.

WISeKey Deploying large Scale IoT Digital Identities for Wearables with WISeID NFCTrusted© Technology https://www.wisekey.com/press/wisekey-deploying-large-scale-iot-digital-identities-wearables-wiseid-nfctrusted-technology/ Thu, 21 May 2015 13:13:53 +0000 https://www.wisekey.com/?p=9095 Geneva, New York – May 21, 2015 – WISeKey SA, a Swiss based leading information security and identity Management Company, today announced that is currently deploying large scale IoT digital identities for wearables using its Trusted near Field Communications (NFC) technology.  This trusted technology integrates wearable technology with secure authentication and identification, in both physical and virtual environments, and empowers wearable devices such as smart watches, bands, ear-pods, jewelry, eyeglasses, contact lenses, etc. to become transactional devices.
It is estimated that the global wearables market will grow at an annual rate of 35% over the next five years.  The rapid growth of the number of connected devices is driving the shift from the current traditional mobile payment method to secure transactions from wearable devices using trusted communications and authentication technology. WISeKey’s trusted NFC technology enables these wearable devices to safely connect and make secure payments and other transactions.
The WISeID NFCTrusted© can be embedded on a connected device without requiring device modification or app downloads. WISeKey’s NFCTrusted© technology is an evolution of the WISeAuthentic solution that WISeKey has already deployed with several leading luxury brands, including over 1 million watches digitally tagged and for which WISeKey recently obtained a US patent (http://goo.gl/ozgOQm). In February 2015, WISeKey and Bulgari launched the first ever intelligent mechanical watch using WISeKey’s NFCTrusted© technology (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAyKfPOYwws), which allows the watch to execute payments and other transactions without using a mobile phone connected to the internet.
Embedding digital certificates into wearable with WISeID NFCTrusted© tags, using WISeKey Public Key Infrastructure and OISTE Global RootKey, enables consumers to interact securely with nearly any IoT object or transactions on a trusted manner.
NFCTrusted© authentication tags can incorporate a WISeKey cryptographically secure digital certificate to prove authenticity. NFCTrusted© tags can be embedded in virtually any product, piece of equipment or common household item, and users can verify authenticity with an NFC-enabled smart phone, watch, connected device or other mobile device.  This technology not only optimizes security and convenience, but also eliminates the need for special readers or other equipment for tag authentication by using proof of presence. “The combination of trust and convenience opens the door for the use of WISeKey’s NFCTrusted© tags in diverse markets to support a variety of IoT applications,” said Carlos Moreira, Founder CEO WISeKey.
About WISekey
WISeKey is a leading information security and identity management company, providing specialized security technologies for data protection, effective identification and authentication of people or objects over physical infrastructures, networks and the Internet to ensure secured communications and e-transactions without compromising trust. Established in 1999, and headquartered in Geneva Switzerland, WISeKey also has subsidiaries that solve advanced e-security issues for organizations in many sectors, including defense, health, education, finance and government. For more information, visit www.wisekey.com.
To start securing your digital identity please download the WISeID App for free at http://www.wiseid.com

WISeKey:Carlos MoreiraFounder & CEO
Tel: +41 22 594 3000
Media Contact:
Youmna Abisaleh
Head of Marketing and Communication
Tel : +41 79 946 0089
Follow us on Twitter @WISeKey
Investor Relations Counsel:The Equity Group Inc.Lena Cati
Vice President
212-836-9611 / lcati@equityny.com
Devin Sullivan
Senior Vice President
212-836-9608 / dsullivan@equityny.com


WISeKey attended SkyBridge alternatives (SALT) Conference in Las Vegas https://www.wisekey.com/press/wisekey-attended-skybridge-alternatives-salt-conference-in-las-vegas/ Sat, 09 May 2015 10:02:44 +0000 https://www.wisekey.com/?p=9405 Introduced BIGtrust in U.S. and held discussions focused on the need of establishing a cybersecurity global coalition to protect the financial sector

Las Vegas, May 8, 2015 – WISeKey’s Founder and CEO, Carlos Moreira attended the SkyBridge Alternatives (SALT) Conference, which took place from May 5th to May 8th at the Bellagio in Las Vegas, Nevada. At the conference, Mr. Moreira met with business and political leaders and held discussion focused on the need for establishing a cybersecurity global coalition to protect the financial sector.
The SkyBridge Alternatives (SALT) Conference facilities balanced discussions and debates on macro-economic trends, geo-political events and alternative investment opportunities for the year ahead. With over 1,800 thought leaders, public policy officials, business professionals, investors and money managers from over 42 countries and 6 continents, the SALT Conference provides an unmatched opportunity for attendees from around the world to connect with global leaders and network with industry peers.
This year’s event featured presentations from industry leaders in investment management, business, economics and public policy including: former US Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel; former US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice; Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard; US Army General, David H. Petraeus; Chairman & Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Media, Steve Forbes; and Former Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Dr. Ben S. Bernanke.  Over the course of the program, more than 100 speakers participated in over three dozen panels, speeches, and breakout sessions, addressed current critical geopolitical and economic issues.  The agenda and list of speakers are available at http://saltconference.com.
Mr. Moreira, said, “It was a great honor to be invited to attend the SALT Conference in Las Vegas, a prestigious annual conference hosted by the investment firm, SkyBridge Capital.  During the event, I had the opportunity to introduce the concept of BIGtrust in the U.S. BIGtrust is a global cybersecurity venture jointly established by WISeKey and OISTE.Org foundation, with the objective of promoting the use and adoption of international standards to secure electronic transactions.”
What is the difference between ‘security’ and ‘trust’ on the internet?
Trust is local, security is global. 2015 is shaping up to be the year that consumers and companies both come to this realization. Opportunities to bridge this gap abound as cyber-security start-ups quickly become Silicon Valley’s most recent fascination and venture capitalists have flooded the sector with investment as they look to back the latest technology used to fight criminals online.
On the whole, we’re doing a great job at securing the internet and developing new technologies to allow for enhanced personal data protection. But if security is to be viable, it must be engineered at the global level. Enter BIGtrust, the new coin of the realm that is rapidly replacing the market’s fascination with Big Data.
At the recent World Economic Forum in Davos January 2015, BIGtrust emerged as a concept that gives due weight to trust’s importance in the digital age as billions of people around the world have grown increasingly distrustful of the internet and that the urgent necessity for a new model has emerged. For more information visit www.bigtrust.org.
About SkyBrige Capital
SkyBridge Capital is a global alternative investment firm with $13.1 billion in assets under management or advisement (as of February 28, 2015). (heartfulness.org) The firm offers hedge fund investing solutions that address a wide range of market participants from individual investors to large institutions.
SkyBridge takes a high-conviction approach to alpha generation, expressed through a thematic and opportunistic investment style. The firm manages multi-strategy funds of hedge funds and customized separate account portfolios, and provides hedge fund advisory services.
About WISeKey
WISeKey is a leading information cybersecurity and identity Management Company, a global growth partner of the World Economic Forum, providing specialized technologies for data protection, effective identification and authentication of people or objects to ensure secured communications and transactions without compromising trust. Established in 1999 and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, WISeKey has facilitated and enabled the use of secure digital identities in everyday life as well as enhancing trust, privacy and inclusion.
A world-leading eSecurity company, WISeKey presides over physical infrastructures, mobile networks and the Web to ensure secure communications, exclusive relationships, protected identities and authenticated transactions. All without compromising trust and privacy. Its strategic location in Switzerland and partnerships with leading global organizations and brands set WISeKey apart from other digital security providers. While its DNA is strongly based in digital security technology, the Company strives to deliver 360 degree solutions based on individual needs.
For more information visit https://www.wisekey.com or on Twitter @wisekey

World Premier: The First Intelligent Mechanical Watch Bulgari Diagono Magnesium secured by WISeKey launched at Baselworld: 100% luxury, 0% gadget https://www.wisekey.com/press/first-intelligent-mechanical-watch-bulgari-diagono-magnesium-secured-wisekey-launched-baselworld-100-luxury-0-gadget/ Thu, 26 Mar 2015 16:15:41 +0000 https://www.wisekey.com/?p=9029 Basel/Baselworld, 24th of MarchThe combination of Diagono Magnesium Intelligent watch and the Bulgari Vault app allows users to securely backup your data online using WISeKey CyberSecurity technologies and data storage on Swiss Alps.
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With virtually limitless applications to a number of verticals, the Diagono Magnesium Intelligent watch using this unique secure wearable technology represents a huge value proposition to all Bulgari ecosystem members.

In the near future you can use the cryptographic key that is stored on the   Magnesium intelligent  watch for many other usages such as activation of your smartphone, unlocking doors and electronic locks at home and at work, unlocking and activate your alarm system, your car, your boat, etc. Tap your Diagono Magnesium Intelligent watch to your smartphone or tablet to unlock your Bulgari Vault app or pay for goods with NFC enabled contactless payment systems.

The new Diagono Magnesium intelligent Watch perfectly embodies Bulgari duality in the landscape of luxury watchmaking with its Italian origins, epitomized by Leonardo da Vinci, both a scientist and an artist, and allowing Bulgari to fuse in a unique way contemporary and edgy timeless Italian design together with the best of Swiss watchmaking mechanical know-how and the most advanced Swiss technologies such as the WISeKey’s. When some Brands play smart disposable or obsolescent gadgets watches we propose wise luxury timeless watches!” declared Jean-Christophe Babin, President of Bulgari Group.

WISeKey a Swiss Company, presented a preliminary WIS.Watch concept during the 2015 year World Economic Forum in Davos. WISeKey is predicting that Secure Wearable devices like the Diagono Magnesium Intelligent will move to the gravity center from application-centric to personal centric models where users will retake the control of their personal data. “Gone are the days of using so many physical and digital credentials and keys to open doors, with the Diagono Magnesium your key is on the watch and always with you. The trend WISeKey is launching this year at Baselworld in cooperation with Bulgari via the joint project is a special version of Bulgari Vault based on WISeID Personal Clouds designed to develop a Bulgari Trusted Ecosystem”, said Carlos Moreira, Founder/CEO, WISeKey.

Live Again the Press Conference :

WISeKey among the 120 Partners in Microsoft’s Services Global Outlook Launch https://www.wisekey.com/press/wisekey-among-120-partners-microsofts-services-global-outlook-launch/ Tue, 06 Jan 2015 14:08:05 +0000 https://www.wisekey.com/?p=8910 GENEVA, Jan. 6 2015 – WISekey is one of approximately 120 partners worldwide, fewer than a dozen partners within Switzerland, that have been selected to appear in the “Public Sector Global Outlook », which is a direct reflection of the solutions and services we have successfully implemented within the Public sector and in particular WISeKey’s participation in Microsoft CityNext, a global initiative empowering cities, businesses and citizens to re-imagine their futures and cultivate vibrant communities.
Microsoft CityNext is a global people-first initiative harnessing all the ideas, energy and expertise of a city’s people as they create a healthier, safer, more sustainable place to live. Microsoft CityNext empowers cities to make the most of existing investments and find the right combination of solutions, apps and programs to transform cities’ infrastructure and operations, engage citizens and businesses by delivering personalized services and apps that foster real-time dialogue, and accelerate innovation and opportunity through programs and partnerships that empower and nurture the next generation of skilled workers. Combining a vast network of global partners and history of successful education and social programs, Microsoft CityNext helps cities with what’s next. http://www.microsoft.com/citynext.
WISeKey is contributing 3 solutions:
1. WISeAuthentic: This solution allows manufacturers to build devices that guarantee their authenticity through strong authentication provided by WISeKey combined with OISTE.ORG Trust Model allowing objects on the Internet to be authenticated and monitored real-time. WISeKey’s patented technology is already proven with more than three years’ experience in the luxury watch industry. It can now be applied to product and object segments as diverse as smartphones, cars, alarms systems, semiconductors, industrial sensors, and household appliances. The near future will see all of these objects fully connected to the Internet, enabling intercommunication and autonomous machine-to-machine (M2M) data transfer.
2. WISecurity: A set of technologies and tools developed by WISeKey to protect your online communications & data with personal, corporate and server (SSL) digital certificates. Protect corporate data with trusted archiving, invoicing & more. https://www.wisekey.com/products/wisecurity/
3. WISeID: a set of apps and online tools to empower the user by providing secure, authenticated, and private digital identification. WISeID provides secure personal cloud storage of identity and data in WISeKey’s Swiss Cloud storage and enables users to protect and sync their data and passwords across their personal devices. https://www.wiseid.com
“We’re thrilled to include WISeKey and their unique security solutions as part of our Microsoft CityNext partner ecosystem”, said Steve Jenkins, Senior Director Government Partners, Microsoft Worldwide Public Sector. “We’re inspired by our diverse partner ecosystem and know that working together we can help cities and their citizens realize their full potential.”
“Our inclusion in this publication is a significant step for WISeKey in terms of the global audiences that it reaches. To be recognized and profiled by Microsoft as a trusted and credible partner is a fantastic achievement which can only be attributed to the continued hard work and determination of all our team members”. WISeKey as CityNext partner will vigorously engage cities around the world to cooperate in and contribute to the development, dissemination, and implementation of cyber security advancement, with a focus on the improvement of current conditions and mitigation of potential risks”, said Carlos Moreira, Founder and CEO WISeKey.
Youmna Abisaleh
Digital Marketing & Sales Manager
Email: yabisaleh@wisekey.com ]]>
WISeID Personal Cloud for Mac, Windows, iOS and Android users to create a Zone of Digital Privacy using Swisscom Data Centers in Switzerland https://www.wisekey.com/press/wisekey-releases-wiseid-personal-cloud-mac-windows-ios-android-users-create-zone-digital-privacy-using-swisscom-data-centers-switzerland/ Thu, 01 May 2014 09:26:01 +0000 https://www.wisekey.com/?p=8133 Geneva, New York, 30 March 2014 – A new personal cloud service provided by WISeKey in cooperation with Swisscom is now fully available for Mac, Windows, and Android users. Users can register at http://wiseid.com/ and download the software allowing them to encrypt and store personal data on private clouds in Switzerland using Swisscom ultra-secure data centers in the country.  WISeKey is a world leader in solutions designed to cybersecurity, digital identification and secure electronic transactions, and now is expanding its offering by adding secure cloud services from Switzerland using Swiss DataCenters and Swiss Alps Mountain bunkers to store the personal data generated by users and enterprises using the WISeID Personal Cloud service. This impressive facility was broadcasted last month by Bloomberg TV coverage Zone of Mobile Privacy in the Swiss Alps Bloomberg video on WISeKey.

WISekey is the first e-security company in the world to offer decentralized Trust Models and PKI architecture allowing data ecosystems to be federated via a unique digital Identity that makes users interact while maintaining control of their personal data.

WISeID Personal Cloud WISeID Securely WISeID easy to use

With this new personal cloud alternative offered by WISeKey gone are the days of huge centralized clouds and ID meta systems with no respect to personal data. The trend WISeKey is creating is motivating users and enterprises to develop Personal Clouds and move the gravity center to users from centralized clouds, allowing them, toretake the control of their personal data.

This service is based on a local Trust Modelprovided by local data centers, increased security, and digital identification technologies to provide trusted secure services while maintaining neutrality and independency. The WISeKey Personal Cloud project is integrated into WiseID.com and was already announced this year at the World Economic Forum  at Davos and portrayed  by Bloomberg TV Bloomberg video demonstrating the importance for WISeKey using Swiss Alps mountain bunkers to storage personal data now directly from users’ desktops.

WISeKey’s WISeID offers a secured vault to protect personally identifiable information (PII). Protecting users PII is important to avoid impersonation and identity theft. The personal data that users save in WISeID always stays under users control, is encrypted with strong keys derived from a password that users choose and only the users know, and is never communicated to third parties.

WISeID offers users:

+ Secure powerful password management
+ Cross platform device support: iPhone®, iPad®, Android, Mac, Windows PCs, Kindle
+ FREE X.509 digital IDWISeID Personal Cloud
+ Safe security: 256 bit AES, PBKDF2 encryption keys
+ Syncs data between devices.
Register to http://www.wiseid.com and create your personal cloud account.
Related links on WISeID Personal Cloud announcement with Swisscom at WMC 2014: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/mobile-world-congress-wisekey-partners-130201664.html
Press contacts: WISeKey, Satu Kulmala, Tel +41 22 594 3005, skulmala@wisekey.com

WISeKey selected as the exclusive WISfans GPHG mobile app provider of the Geneva Watchmaking Grand Prix 2013 edition https://www.wisekey.com/press/wisekey-selected-as-the-exclusive-wisfans-gphg-mobile-app-provider-of-the-geneva-watchmaking-grand-prix-2013-edition/ Fri, 15 Nov 2013 17:00:55 +0000 https://wisekey.com/?p=5630 GPHGGeneva 15 November, 2013 – The Geneva Watchmaking Grand Prix, unanimously recognized as the watch industry’s most prestigious award, has joined forces with WISeKey, the  data protection and mobile convergence expert, with the objective of engaging collector interest beyond the traditional borders of high watchmaking insiders. The app provides easy access for all those interested in the art of exceptional watchmaking to follow the GPHG and enter into its previously closed sphere of watchmakers and collectors. The app technology provides a new form of high-definition detailed viewing of the watches in the competition during the ceremony and enables viewers to share commentary and insight on their favorite watches on the GPHG Facebook wall directly from the WISfans app.
“Watchmaking is a high art with an increasing numbers of collectors and amateurs interested in learning about its many exceptional facets. The GPHG Grand Prix is the gold standard of watchmaking in the world today and has captured the interest of both specialists and new comers to watch collecting. Our app will enable them to be part of the community that produces these exceptional objects at the convergence of cutting edge technology and unrivaled craftsmanship,” said Carlos Moreira CEO of WISeKey.
This year users will be authorized to securely vote for their preferred watches via the WISfans mobile app and post their selections on Social Media.
Sharing common values of innovation and excellence, both based in Geneva, the GPHG and WISeKey are involved in the watch industry. The Grand Prix brings together all the big names in watchmaking and is one of the highlights of the year in Geneva.
WISeKey is very active on the luxury high-end market offering a state-of-art digital brand protection solution WISeAuthentic, already implemented at several prestigious watchmakers, but also becoming more and more active in tailored and secured high-end mobile applications.
Download the GPHG app and view the best watches:
Press contacts:
Satu Kulmala
Tel: +41 22 594 3005

WISeKey and the International Football Arena launch the official IFA WISfans Mobile App https://www.wisekey.com/press/wisekey-and-the-international-football-arena-launch-the-official-ifa-wisfans-mobile-app/ Mon, 28 Oct 2013 03:18:58 +0000 https://wisekey.com/?p=4906 ifa-wisfans(1)
GENEVA/ZURICH – 28 October 2013 – The International Football Arena (IFA), the leading organizer of exclusive events for football’s global players, marks the opening of its 15th annual conference in Zurich today with the release of the official IFA WISfans app. The app, developed by the Geneva-based digital technology and convergence expert, WISeKey, provides IFA members and conference attendees with updates on IFA news, videos, photos, speaker profiles, updates on social streams (Twitter, Facebook) enabling IFA network members to stay connected both during the conference and throughout the year. Currently available for iPhone and iPad, future versions of the app will also provide global football fans with updates on international sporting events, as well top player news and rankings.
“The IFA has been hosting events, fostering debate and inspiring change between decision makers in the football business for a decade. We are pleased to join forces with WISeKey to take our member engagement to the next level with cutting-edge mobile and social technology, “ said Marcel Schmid, Chairman, International Football Arena Ltd.
“We are proud to be named IFA Zurich’s exclusive app provider. This partnership deepens our connective fan technology footprint in the football business. We are excited to welcome the IFA into our rapidly-growing WISfans community and look forward to a fruitful and long term collaboration,” said Carlos Moreira, Founder and CEO, WISeKey.
WISeKey provides state-of-the-art mobile applications to leading sports brands across the globe, enabling a fully connected 24/7 experience for fans with their favorite teams and players. The WISfans app creates a fully secure digital clubhouse ecosystem that converges social media, exclusive team and player content, CRM engagement platforms, and transaction capacity for merchandise and ticket sales. WISfans brings full empowerment to the social and mobile fan experience.
Download the app at: http://www.wisfans.com/ifa
Press contacts:
Satu Kulmala
+41 78 676 4745
