wisekeydavos Archives - WISeKey https://www.wisekey.com/tag/wisekeydavos/ The Human-Driven Technology Platform Mon, 11 Nov 2019 04:10:12 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://cdn.wisekey.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/cropped-favicon-32x32.png wisekeydavos Archives - WISeKey https://www.wisekey.com/tag/wisekeydavos/ 32 32 WISeKey and OISTE.ORG launch a CyberSecurity Alliance at Davos https://www.wisekey.com/press/wisekey-oiste-org-launch-cybersecurity-alliance-davos/ Mon, 26 Jan 2015 14:49:36 +0000 https://www.wisekey.com/?p=8877 Davos, 22 January-WISeKey, one of the Global Growth Partner Companies of the World Economic Forum is launching this year at Davos a Cybersecurity alliance at the Annual Meeting taking place in Davos, Switzerland 21-24 January 2015.
WISeKey and the OISTE Foundation organized yesterday a CyberSecurity Roundtable and signed a Cybersecurity alliance with a group of companies and organizations participating at Davos.
The CyberSecurity alliance proposed at Davos follow a year of high-profile news stories about hacks of major brands, including, JP Morgan, Sony, Home Depot, Target, Staples and others. Those attacks exposed various customer data, including, in some cases, email accounts, passwords, numbers and verification codes for payment cards. Following these developments, trust in the privacy and security of digital communication has reached a new low.
Carlos Moreira, Founder and CEO of WISeKey and OISTE.ORG said, Cyber security is one of the biggest challenges facing chief executives and political leaders around the world. Much is at stake, given the share of the global economy that is already based upon digital communication and its growing reach into new domains. We cannot work alone on this, we need a strong alliance to fight together as a failure to adequately protect against cyber-attacks, could cost the global economy dearly.. See also interview with Mr. Moreira on Cybersecurity from BBC http://www.bbc.com/news/30925696
Capturing the opportunities and countering the threats requires new responses. More sophisticated passwords and identity protection alone will not achieve the goal. A myriad of interconnected links supported by a range of trusted communication platforms and tools requires a seamless and systemic response.
Global regulation, legislation and data protection initiatives need to be proposed as echoed by the United States President Barack Obama’s recent proposition to boost online security and Internet access to increase privacy and identity protection, improve cybersecurity for both private companies and the government, and expand access to broadband Internet.
The most logical conclusion is the establishment of a common framework for trusted identity management to allow borderless communication and transactions in an increasingly fast-moving digitalized global economy.
More information on how to join the CyberSecurity Alliance is available at http://davos.wisekey.com
Panelist Cybersecurity Roundtable
Roundtable about Digital Identities Carlos Moreira, David Fergusson, Thomas Andersson, Jean-Manual Rozan

Cybersecurity Roundtable
Contact Person: Youmna Abisaleh, +41799460089, yabisaleh@wisekey.com
