US Patent and Trademark Office Archives - WISeKey The Human-Driven Technology Platform Mon, 11 Nov 2019 04:10:13 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 US Patent and Trademark Office Archives - WISeKey 32 32 WISeKey Receives from the US Patent and Trademark Office a Notice of Allowance for Issuance as a Patent for the Digital Identification of Valuable Goods for IoT Tue, 01 Jul 2014 16:35:19 +0000 Geneva, 1st July, 2014 – WISeKey has announced today having received from the US Patent and Trademark Office a Notice of Allowance for Issuance as a Patent and Trademark Office company’s method and medium for performing a digital certificate of authenticity of physical object of value connected to the cloud. The technology allows manufacturers and developers to build devices that use strong digital identification authentication provided by WISeKey combined with OISTE.ORG Trust Model allowing objects on the Internet to be authenticated and monitored real-time via trusted clouds.
WISeKey’s patented technology is already proven in Switzerland with more than three years’ experience in the luxury industry, the digital brand protection solution“WISeAuthentic” being implemented by several prestigious watch makers. With the latest evolutions this technology also applies to product and object segments as diverse as smartphones, cars, alarm systems, semiconductors, industrial sensors and household appliances. The near future will see all of these objects fully connected to the internet, enabling intercommunication and autonomous machine-to-machine (M2M) data transfer.
“This patented technology opens up tremendous possibilities and industry leadership for WISeKey in terms of certifying, connecting, and insuring objects and storing the ensuing data in a secure, trusted cloud environment. Many European countries including Switzerland and Germany are already working on what we call Industry 4 which is the next stage of industrial manufacturing and a paradigm shift toward smart factories which could be the advent of a fourth industrial revolution. The first industrial revolution was triggered by the invention of the steam engine and the mechanization of manual work in the 18th century. The second revolution involved the implementation of mass production techniques in the early 20th century, and the third was ushered in during the past few decades by electronic systems and computer technologies for automating manufacturing processes. So are we in fact on the verge of a fourth revolution – Industry 4.0”, said Carlos Moreira, WISeKey Founder and CEO.
WISeAuthentic Solution
WISeAuthentic Solution

WISeKey is championing the ever-changing landscape of cyber-security and how the PKI and cyber-security segment of WISeKey lead the industry in reinventing PKI and Trusted Computing as a support to Industry 4.  Early this year WISeKey announced in Davos its plans to make its digital identification and encryption technology more easily accessible through its technical advancements, bringing the entire technology suite to identification of objects connected to trusted clouds. This new patent will allow WISeKey to help more organizations, in different markets and sectors, improve globally their resilience against counterfeiting, cyber-attacks, digital identification and traceability of objects. Our industry is on the brink of a major transformation as a more mature and balanced agenda is emerging, along with some basic insights that are guiding growing numbers of organizations and nations worldwide. There is plenty of innovation and collaboration emerging around different regions and industries to tackle these issues.
Press contacts: WISeKey, Satu Kulmala, Tel +41 22 594 3005,
