Author: Tiffany

by Tiffany Harelik"Welcome to Austin, Please Don’t Move Here " and "Please don’t Dallas my Austin" are shirt slogans seen around the capitol city of...

Thoughts are the language of the mind, and feelings are the language of the body—but are they helping us sink—or swim? ...

Numerology 3-Universal Month in a 6-Universal Year: Connection.Creativity. Be careful to not overcommit mid month under this extroverted energy.June Intention: I am inspired by creating...

Time for a vibe check. Pluto retrogrades 5-6 months each year, offering time to reconsider where we use our energy, strength, and power. Be open...

We are expecting to see surprise engagements/babies and major plot twists in relationships following the Libra Full Moon and April Eclipse that fell over Eros...

Tiffany Harelik