⭐️ March Numerology 9-Universal Month

9-Universal Month in a 6-Universal Year: Closure, completion, tying things up. What are you integrating? This month can bring a sense of urgency and overstimulation....

☂️🌙 Moon Void of Course

When the Moon is Void of Course the lines can be blurry. We often feel foggy, sleepy, and less sharp. Do not: start new projects...

🌙♓︎ Moon enters Pisces

Focus on compassion. Plan a little time to make a healthy escape into music, a good book, a long nap, or volunteerism under a Pisces...

☀️ Sun sextile Uranus

Truth bombs. Personal breakthroughs are granted for those seeking a solution and stepping into action. Dissolve ego issues, find the bright side, let optimism return...

☂️ ☀️ Mercury Conjunct Saturn

Mental gymnastics. Higher learning, logical conclusions, in-depth communications come to the forefront. Use this time to research and think. Expect mild boredom and necessary delays...

🌚♓︎ New Moon at 12°Pisces 06′

New Moon Intention: When I create healthy boundaries for myself, it gives me room to connect with my intuition and make decisions from my heart....

☂️ ☀️ Mars Conjunction Pluto

For those about to rock, we salute you. Game on! This is powerful, intense, adrenaline-rush energy that you can harness to do some solo work...

☂️ ☀️ Venus Conjunct Pluto

Fatal attraction, jealousy, and an intense need for companionship may pop up. Intense karmic relationships are in the air. Use the time wisely to heal...

☂️🌙 Moon Void of Course

When the Moon is Void of Course the lines can be blurry. We often feel foggy, sleepy, and less sharp. Do not: start new projects...

🌙♈︎ Moon enters Aries

Focus on right action. Stay hydrated, do something to feel alive, and think before you speak under an Aries Moon. Check in with yourself: have...

Tiffany Harelik