☀️ Mercury trine Uranus ℞

If you've been looking for a sign - it's a yes! Stay open to unlikely friendships, chance encounters by being at the right place at...

✨ Sun enters Capricorn

Happy Birthday Capricorn! Tap into your ambitious, practical, and pragmatic Capricorn vibes through January 19. (Pssst... We have gifts and birthday readings for your Capricorn...

☂️ Mercury semisquare Jupiter

Loose lips sink ships: watch out for over-communicating and over-sharing right now. Your time is better spent in quiet contemplation as opposed to lengthy conversations....

☂️ Saturn square Uranus ℞

Adapting to unexpected changes. Be like a leaf on a fast moving stream - find acceptance and go with the flow to the best of...

☀️ Mars trine Chiron

Pay it forward to the divine masculine in your life: Dads, brothers, colleagues, uncles, etc. And Spiritual warriors, rise up! Your call to action takes...

☂️ ☀️ Venus ℞ conjunct Pluto

Deep love, real connections, and karmic connections. This is a fun transit to have a date, write love letters, and fall in love with life....

🌙♑︎ Moon in Capricorn

Focus on your ambitions in life. What are you wanting to grow? What stabilizes your future? Spend some time alone to get clear with yourself...

❇️ January Intention

I find fulfillment and peace as I learn more about myself this year. I am expanding my consciousness into the field of infinite wisdom, unconditional...

☂️🌙 Moon Void of Course

When the Moon is Void of Course the lines can be blurry. We often feel foggy, sleepy, and less sharp. Do not: start new projects...

☀️ Sun Trine Uranus

Happy New Year! Sparks fly (the good kind). Try something different, make a new friend, answer the phone. Solar transits can be felt a day...

Tiffany Harelik