🌙♑︎ Moon enters Capricorn

Focus on your ambitions in life. What are you wanting to grow? What stabilizes your future? Spend some time alone to get clear with yourself...

☀️ Sun trine Chiron

Inner healing. Counseling, self-care, acceptance, and being of service. This offering can be felt a day in advance, and is presented twice: August 7, December...

☂️ ☀️ Venus opposite Pluto

Depression, and deception, and swimming with sharks are likely right now. Keep your guard up and protect your loved ones while this storm passes. Look...

☂️🌙 Moon Void of Course

When the Moon is Void of Course the lines can be blurry. We often feel foggy, sleepy, and less sharp. Do not: start new projects...

🌙♒︎ Moon enters Aquarius

Focus on freedom. Fighting for a cause, working with the collective consciousness, and being unique are all favorable themes to work with under an Aquarius...

☂️ Sun square Uranus

Rebel Rebel. Unpredictability, outbursts, miswired electrical connections, and radical changes of behaviour/outcomes are likely. Make the most of uncertain times by knowing yourself, and being...

✨♀︎♌︎ Venus in Leo

Shine your lovelight! Are you in love with Love? Venus in Leo through September 5th, your inner-heart-centered leader is called to take center-stage of your...

☀️ Mars Sextile Neptune

Go for it! This is a golden moment to get creative, find inspiration, and move forward. Reach for your dreams with tangible steps. Note: this...

🌕♒︎ Full Moon at 19° Aquarius 21′

Full Moon Intention: I am proud of my progress and experience futuristic solutions with ease. Find completion with whatever is making you crazy. This will...

☂️🌙 Moon Void of Course

When the Moon is Void of Course the lines can be blurry. We often feel foggy, sleepy, and less sharp. Do not: start new projects...

🌙♓︎ Moon enters Pisces

Focus on compassion. Plan a little time to make a healthy escape into music, a good book, a long nap, or volunteerism under a Pisces...

☂️🌙 Moon Void of Course

When the Moon is Void of Course the lines can be blurry. We often feel foggy, sleepy, and less sharp. Do not: start new projects...

Tiffany Harelik