Weekly Forecast March 27 – April 4, 2017

Weekly Forecast March 27 – April 4, 2017

The week kicks off with a Mars/Neptune sextile giving you an intuitive hit. Listen for a download from the heavenlies regarding what action to take on your dreams and goals Monday afternoon. The best day to schedule activities and business plans is Wednesday. Lay low Thursday. Here are the astral details of each day to help you plan your week for success and wellness:

The New Moon in Aries Monday night may have you feeling like you are ready to start a new project, but caution is advised due to the Jupiter/Pluto square forming this week and the Saturn/Venus square today. Be mindful of overspending, overcommitting and overexerting yourself. Your theme song for this New Moon is Authority Song by John Mellencamp because of the famous lyric: “I fight authority, authority always wins.”  

Ignite your New Moon wishes in the areas of new beginnings, self, independence, courage and authenticity. Sometimes Aries has a reputation for being too impulsive, selfish and rushing into things, but did you know Aries also rules innocence, honesty and survival issues? The Aries New Moon doesn’t have to be all about being assertive and taking action. You can also utilize this energy to protect and take care of your inner child in ways that have been previously neglected.

Looking for some recipes to work with during the New Moon in Aries? The Aries Moon is a hot, dehydrating Moon. Please drink loads of water so that all your cells can function properly. Think finger foods, cold soups, and healthy foods on the go. There are more ideas at the New Moon in Aries post which you can read here. You can also read more about Aries New Moon Treasure Maps from Molly here.

On Wednesday, Mercury will trine Saturn. The day has a more serious tone and is best spent in practical action. Spot-clean your car, organize your spreadsheets and files, and spend time getting important matters in order.

The Jupiter/Pluto square is exact on Thursday but we have been feeling it for a few weeks. Today might be the day when things come to a head, but the tension is relieved shortly thereafter. Keep the kids and pets safe today, and avoid struggles with the law and authority figures.

On Friday, Mercury enters the sign of the bull. Plotting, pondering, and plodding. Mercury rules communications and thinking, while Taurus rules stubbornness, savory flavors, and steadiness. The rhythm slows a little and it’s wise to sync up with this pace: slow and steady wins the race.

Saturday night Mercury will trine the North Node. Pay attention to the healing messages about your destiny in your dreamscapes tonight. Something feels like it was meant to be – for a reason.

Venus retrogrades into Pisces Sunday evening and will square Saturn on April 4th. Is someone restricting your freedom by asking for a commitment? Where do you need to draw the lines in love and escapism? How can you be ‘you’ while also being in a relationship? Are you indulging in too many sweets? How can you take care of yourself in healthy ways today? Venus will remain retrograde until April 15th.


Tiffany Harelik