
☂️🌙 Moon Void of Course

When the Moon is Void of Course the lines can be blurry. We often feel foggy, sleepy, and less sharp. Do not: start new projects...

🌙♌︎ Moon enters Leo

Focus on playfulness under a Leo Moon. This is a good time to entertain, take the stage, and engage others to have a little fiesty...

☀️ Mercury Sextile Chiron

Talk therapy. The doors open for a deep dive into your favorite topic, as well as healing conversations. This is a window of opportunity to...

⭐️ Uranus Stationary

Slow Down, let things be weird. Time is bending, as Uranus, the great Einstein in the Sky appears stationary.

✨♅ Uranus Direct in Taurus

The energy slows way down the day before and the day of Uranus direct. You may find yourself more hungry than usual. This is your...

☀️☀️ Sun Trine North Node

Good karma! Blessings upon blessings upon blessings. This is an auspicious time to connect with your highest soul's purpose - you are your own guiding...

Tiffany Harelik