Adopt a Hive [monthly subscription]

$24.00 / month

Adopt a Hive Membership is your donation to support the bees!

You will receive:
– quarterly apiary update via newsletter
– 50% off all online bee classes
– first access to items from the apiary (lip balm, honey, salve)

Your donation supports: 
– hive equipment [$400/colony x 3 needed for 2024]
– rehoming bees in problem areas that would otherwise be poisoned [$600/colony x 2  for Spring 2024]
– chemical-free beekeeping education and mentorship


Adopt a Hive Membership is your donation to support the bees!

You will receive:
– quarterly apiary update via newsletter
– 50% off all online bee classes
– first access to items from the apiary (lip balm, honey, salve)

Your donation supports: 
– hive equipment [$400/colony x 3 needed for 2024]
– rehoming bees in problem areas that would otherwise be poisoned [$600/colony x 2  for Spring 2024]
– chemical-free beekeeping education and mentorship

Tiffany Harelik