✨☿♑︎ Mercury Direct in Capricorn

Consider longterm plans and practical magic. There is a way to balance your visions and goals with the desires of your heart and action steps...

☂️🌙 Moon Void of Course

When the Moon is Void of Course the lines can be blurry. We often feel foggy, sleepy, and less sharp. Do not: start new projects...

☀️ Mars sextile Jupiter

Courage and strength. Reach for the stars. This is go big or go home time and it falls under some really complicated astrology. You were...

🌙♈︎ Moon enters Aries

Focus on right action. Stay hydrated, do something to feel alive, and think before you speak under an Aries Moon. Check in with yourself: have...

☂️ ☀️ Sun conjunct Saturn

Hard work pays off. Self-development activities are encouraged, and discipline is rewarded. The time is ripe for the karma boomerang to return. Start working today,...

Tiffany Harelik