✨☿♑︎ Mercury Direct in Capricorn

What needs to be renegotiated? Mercury is direct, but will remain in retroshade until February 7 2023. Use this period to revise your revisions (teehee)....

☂️🌙 Moon Void of Course

Nebulous. The Moon appears Void of Course right before it switches into a new sign every few days. During this time it’s common to feel...

🌙♑︎ Moon enters Capricorn

Vibes: grounding and growing, stabilizing, long term vision, financial planning, restructuring, designing something solid, new foundations, focus, business, earth magic, crystals, sticking with the winners....

✨☉♒︎ Sun enters Aquarius

Let's Go! It's time to be innovative, spontaneous and extroverted. Happy Birthday Aquarius! We can all tap into the friendly, independent, and unconventional Aquarian vibes...

☂️🌙 Moon Void of Course

Nebulous. The Moon appears Void of Course right before it switches into a new sign every few days. During this time it’s common to feel...

🌙♒︎ Moon enters Aquarius

Vibes: Friends, village, teamwork, the collective, network, being unique, radical change, freedom, clubs, groups, organizations, humanitarian causes, cooperation, hobbies, remaining objective, sharing, unconventional, rebellious, futuristic,...

🌚♒︎ New Moon at 1°Aquarius

New Moon Intention: I surround myself with inspirational people and am open to futuristic solutions. Planting seeds around: the collective consciousness, friends, networks, robotics, the...

☂️ ☀️ Venus conjunct Saturn

A pause or minor setback gives you time to reassess your relationships. Some people are in our lives for a reason, a season, or a...

✨♅♉︎ Uranus Direct Taurus

The energy slows way down the day before and the day of Uranus direct. You may find yourself more hungry than usual. This is your...

☂️🌙 Moon Void of Course

Nebulous. The Moon appears Void of Course right before it switches into a new sign every few days. During this time it’s common to feel...

🌙♓︎ Moon enters Pisces

Vibes: Spirituality, subtleties, generosity, philanthropy, creativity, artistry, daydreams, hammocks, star gazing, hot tubs, long naps, dream journals, compassion, mystical, optimism, empathy, fantasy, sea animals, water...

☀️ Sun sextile Jupiter

Big Magic. Good vibes, spiritual health, and opportunities for positive change. Where do you want to grow, and expand your horizons? This transit can be...

Tiffany Harelik