✨ Mercury enters Virgo

Mercury enters Virgo and will be there until August 30. This brings extra precision to processes and procedures. It's also an ideal window of time...

☀️ Venus trine Pluto ℞24

This sweet transit brings new life to love and romance. It offers hope, success, and fulfillment as well on these two passes: May 6, and...

☂️ ☀️ Venus inconjunct Jupiter ℞

Moderation in all things. Be careful not to overdo it - the energy is ripe for overextending, overeating, overdrinking, overthinking, etc. Read about the Temperance...

☂️ ☀️ Sun inconjunct Neptune ℞

Unrealistic expectations can spoil the vibe August 15, and October 13. Check yourself before you literally wreck yourself. Reach into your spiritual toolkit like you...


Tap into your 'why' - knowing what drives you helps you know what to do. This yang phase signifies decision making, determination, and commitment to...

✨ Venus enters Libra

Venus enters homesign Libra. Dancing with a partner, finding the right balance between work and play, and harmonizing or blending goals are fun ways to...

☂️ ☀️ Sun inconjunct Pluto ℞

Take care that your beautiful self-will and will power isn't used to control or manipulate to get your way. This is a time for faith...

☂️ Jupiter ℞ semisquare Chiron ℞

Watch out for compulsive behaviors and a need to place meaning on things that may have none. This energy is prime for making mountains out...

Tiffany Harelik