✨☿♒︎ Mercury enters Aquarius

Fire up your inner rebel, get passionate about a cause, and raise the vibe in your network. Things can get weird and wonderful with Mercury...

☂️🌙 Moon Void of Course

When the Moon is Void of Course the lines can be blurry. We often feel foggy, sleepy, and less sharp. Do not: start new projects...

🌙♒︎ Moon enters Aquarius

Focus on freedom. Fighting for a cause, working with the collective consciousness, and being unique are all favorable themes to work with under an Aquarius...

☂️🌙 Moon Void of Course

When the Moon is Void of Course the lines can be blurry. We often feel foggy, sleepy, and less sharp. Do not: start new projects...

☀️ Venus Sextile Neptune

Creative Streak! Art, music, philanthropy. Find your creative muse/outlet under the compassionate rays of Venus and Neptune.This is an ideal time to launch a new...

🌙♓︎ Moon enters Pisces

Focus on compassion. Plan a little time to make a healthy escape into music, a good book, a long nap, or volunteerism under a Pisces...

☂️🌙 Moon Void of Course

When the Moon is Void of Course the lines can be blurry. We often feel foggy, sleepy, and less sharp. Do not: start new projects...

🌙♈︎ Moon enters Aries

Focus on right action. Stay hydrated, do something to feel alive, and think before you speak under an Aries Moon. Check in with yourself: have...

☀️ Sun Conjunct Venus

Love is in the air. This pleasurable transit can be a good time to schedule the sweeter things in life. Think creature comforts, relaxation, and...

☀️ Mercury Sextile Chiron

Talk therapy. The doors open for a deep dive into your favorite topic, as well as healing conversations. This is a window of opportunity to...

Tiffany Harelik