☂️ ☀️ Venus conjunct Chiron

Matters of the heart. Love is patient, kind, selfless, and unconditional. Invitation: put your oxygen mask on first today. Fill your cup with what is...

☂️🌙 Moon Void of Course

Nebulous. The Moon appears Void of Course right before it switches into a new sign every few days. During this time it’s common to feel...

🌙♌︎ Moon enters Leo

Vibes: Feisty, flirty, entertainment, celebrities, leadership, putting yourself out there, inspiration, passion, courage, bravery, loyalty, creativity, artsy-craftsy, childlike wonder, fun, playfulness, experiential knowledge gained over...

☂️🌙 Moon Void of Course

Nebulous. The Moon appears Void of Course right before it switches into a new sign every few days. During this time it’s common to feel...

🌙♍︎ Moon enters Virgo

Vibes: the little things, being of service, problem solving, connecting with ancestors, passing down traditions, the hearth, healing, organization, health routines, details, chores, cleanliness, pets,...

☀️ Sun sextile Uranus

Exciting times! Listen for truth bombs - personal breakthroughs are granted for those seeking a solution and stepping into action. Where can you surprise yourself...

✨♄♓︎ Saturn Enters Pisces

Spiritual Reformation. Strict-Saturn is in Spiritual-Pisces from March 7, 2023, to May 24, 2025. Has your foundation been built on solid values? What wanting to...

🌕♍︎ Full Moon at 16° Virgo

Full Moon Intention: Stability, consistency, and inner peace come naturally to me. The Virgo Moon helps us shine light on ancestry, roots, and our lineage....

☂️🌙 Moon Void of Course

Nebulous. The Moon appears Void of Course right before it switches into a new sign every few days. During this time it’s common to feel...

🌙♎︎ Moon enters Libra

Vibes: Right relationships, balance, companionship, partnership, justice, equality, beauty, fine art, socializing without gossiping. Finding balance on the inside—creates balance on the outside. — Personal...

☂️🌙 Moon Void of Course

Nebulous. The Moon appears Void of Course right before it switches into a new sign every few days. During this time it’s common to feel...

🌙♏︎ Moon enters Scorpio

Vibes: Life’s mysteries, sex, death, rebirth, passion, intensity, savoring life, loyalty, psychic detective work, metaphysical topics, meditation, visualization, contemplation, deep connection, subterranean emotions, eros, sensuality,...

Tiffany Harelik